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Sara C's Recent Blogs
the thing what i love to do. all my fantasies and my deepest desires!
having fun
Date: Jan 15th @ 4:31pm EST
is the feeling of liberated resulted in what I write,
is thinking beyond what I see,
is standing on a chair and look from another point of view,
is the speech and q only those who know
and they understand how to think, understand,
analyze and criticize.
This talk of q are the harmonic movement of a woman
shudders when naked in his concealed weapon.
This what I mean is the loose cannon who walks aimlessly
by whole mountains, climbing trees and finding forbidden fruit.
This is what I speak of the moon near the sun melting the cheese
confused in the palaver of love.
It's just a muse of inspiration, is a teaching set
by a speaker and a receiver, all two deeply and understood differently.
It's so supernatural that we invented to cushion the hard as talking.
I have wondered many times if I do understand key or
where this talk, go! beautiful as it is expressed that young
but do not realize that I'm insulting in the most vile and rude.
Another said, he talks about ugly, which is why, as well! ... and fail to understand
it is thought the best compliment a summer afternoon, do not realize what
q contrary to what they are thinking, and just missed winning look!
I'm talking about the metaphor in its greatest expression
I'm talking about parables formed with great imagination.
Not for me to say they are, and are defined in the dictionary
as useful a way, with that I do not say anything.
METAPHOR trope that is to move the strict sense of the words to a figurative, under an implied comparison, p. for example., pearls of dew. The spring of life. Restrain the passions.
is thinking beyond what I see,
is standing on a chair and look from another point of view,
is the speech and q only those who know
and they understand how to think, understand,
analyze and criticize.
This talk of q are the harmonic movement of a woman
shudders when naked in his concealed weapon.
This what I mean is the loose cannon who walks aimlessly
by whole mountains, climbing trees and finding forbidden fruit.
This is what I speak of the moon near the sun melting the cheese
confused in the palaver of love.
It's just a muse of inspiration, is a teaching set
by a speaker and a receiver, all two deeply and understood differently.
It's so supernatural that we invented to cushion the hard as talking.
I have wondered many times if I do understand key or
where this talk, go! beautiful as it is expressed that young
but do not realize that I'm insulting in the most vile and rude.
Another said, he talks about ugly, which is why, as well! ... and fail to understand
it is thought the best compliment a summer afternoon, do not realize what
q contrary to what they are thinking, and just missed winning look!
I'm talking about the metaphor in its greatest expression
I'm talking about parables formed with great imagination.
Not for me to say they are, and are defined in the dictionary
as useful a way, with that I do not say anything.
METAPHOR trope that is to move the strict sense of the words to a figurative, under an implied comparison, p. for example., pearls of dew. The spring of life. Restrain the passions.
this year we will be great!
Date: Dec 27th @ 6:39pm EST
New Year's greeting is always accompanied by a desire for prosperity and especially health.
Now, not only am wishing to do well financially, but in excellent health, which is essential for the whole family and all goods made during the life cycle.
With health we work to live and not be a social burden, generate resources for development and help make a viable country from every point of view.
Therefore I take this opportunity to demand a new government health system, in which there prevail the interests of entrepreneurs who seek only negligible profit over the lives of others.
We demand a new comprehensive social security system that takes the human being as the recipient of that essential patient right.
Reject a health system that only search the pocket of the "clients", as that term is now using EPS, because for them there is no health care but a business that patient is a "client" more.
A system that seeks a healthy environment in which a license is not required to be treated with care at any hospital or clinic in the country, and that no matter the stratum, social status, or system to which it belongs
A system that ends the tramitomanía. We know that many people have died, not always by unwillingness of medical and paramedical personnel, but by the sinister EPS intermediaries orders that were created without any in Colombia at the expense of Law 100 of 93.
A system where you need not bring an action shamefully as an effective protection of the fundamental right of access to health.
A system in harmony with the C. Criminal offenses and identify toughen penalties for wrongfully taking over health resources through investment, procurement and implementation, especially Fosyga, become broken vein health.
A health system that will put legal teeth to civic inspectors to demand an adequate service to the population.
A scheme eventually with the EPS, or at least to the garage, as it warned that the health minister himself, Alejandro Gaviria, most have few assets and are not eligible solvency reasonable, not to mention that many are owned by parliamentarians and businessmen who finance their political campaigns.
It requires a system to monitor the prices of medicines. Requiring the EPS to provide them good quality, and it is located in one place to avoid death rides to those seeking medical care.
Ultimately what is should be completed Law 100, a legal monstrosity that ended the goodness to attend to a sick, to create a lucrative business that has many dead.
Now, not only am wishing to do well financially, but in excellent health, which is essential for the whole family and all goods made during the life cycle.
With health we work to live and not be a social burden, generate resources for development and help make a viable country from every point of view.
Therefore I take this opportunity to demand a new government health system, in which there prevail the interests of entrepreneurs who seek only negligible profit over the lives of others.
We demand a new comprehensive social security system that takes the human being as the recipient of that essential patient right.
Reject a health system that only search the pocket of the "clients", as that term is now using EPS, because for them there is no health care but a business that patient is a "client" more.
A system that seeks a healthy environment in which a license is not required to be treated with care at any hospital or clinic in the country, and that no matter the stratum, social status, or system to which it belongs
A system that ends the tramitomanía. We know that many people have died, not always by unwillingness of medical and paramedical personnel, but by the sinister EPS intermediaries orders that were created without any in Colombia at the expense of Law 100 of 93.
A system where you need not bring an action shamefully as an effective protection of the fundamental right of access to health.
A system in harmony with the C. Criminal offenses and identify toughen penalties for wrongfully taking over health resources through investment, procurement and implementation, especially Fosyga, become broken vein health.
A health system that will put legal teeth to civic inspectors to demand an adequate service to the population.
A scheme eventually with the EPS, or at least to the garage, as it warned that the health minister himself, Alejandro Gaviria, most have few assets and are not eligible solvency reasonable, not to mention that many are owned by parliamentarians and businessmen who finance their political campaigns.
It requires a system to monitor the prices of medicines. Requiring the EPS to provide them good quality, and it is located in one place to avoid death rides to those seeking medical care.
Ultimately what is should be completed Law 100, a legal monstrosity that ended the goodness to attend to a sick, to create a lucrative business that has many dead.
Date: Dec 19th @ 8:00pm EST
La enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) está asociada con un aumento significativo del riesgo de desarrollar herpes zóster, en especial en los pacientes que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores, según demuestra un estudio sobre más de 100 mil pacientes con la dolencia.
Por ahora, los investigadores no recomiendan que todas las personas con EII se apliquen la vacuna contra el herpes zóster. Aseguran que aún se necesitan más estudios para determinar el papel, la seguridad y la oportunidad de su aplicación en esos pacientes.
Con una base de datos administrativa, el equipo de la doctora Millie D. Long, de la University of North Carolina, en Chapel Hill, identificó a más de 108 mil pacientes menores de 64 años con EII, incluidos 50 mil 932 con enfermedad de Crohn, 56 mil 403 con colitis ulcerosa y mil 269 con EII de tipo desconocido. A cada uno lo cotejaron con cuatro personas sin EII.
El equipo detectó 2 mil 677 casos de herpes zóster en el grupo con EII y 4 mil 340 en el grupo de control, según publica el equipo en Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
En los pacientes con EII, la incidencia anual de herpes zóster era de 734 por cada 100 mil años/persona, comparado con 437 en el grupo sin EII. La incidencia era "algo más alta" en los pacientes con enfermedad de Crohn que en aquellos con colitis ulcerosa.
El riesgo de herpes zóster se mantuvo alto en el grupo con EII tras considerar las comorbilidades y otros factores importantes.
Además, para determinar cómo los fármacos inmunosupresores influían en el nivel de riesgo, el equipo realizó un análisis de variables múltiples de casos y controles con 2 mil 659 pacientes con EII y herpes zóster y una cohorte de 10 mil 470 pacientes con EII sin herpes zóster.
El resultado fue que el uso de las tiopurinas, los corticoesteroides y los agentes antiTNF estaban independientemente asociados con el herpes zóster en la población con EII, no así el uso del ácido 5-aminosalicílico o 5-ASA.
El riesgo de herpes zóster aumentó aún más con una terapia combinada de anti-TNF y tiopurinas.
El equipo sostiene que sus resultados respaldan hallazgos previos sobre el riesgo de herpes zóster en las personas con EII.
La vacuna contra el virus del herpes zóster (culebrilla), aprobada por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Estados Unidos (FDA, por su nombre en inglés), llamada Zostavax (Merck & Co.), que reduce un 50 por ciento su incidencia, está recomendada para la población de 60 años.
Por ahora, los investigadores no recomiendan que todas las personas con EII se apliquen la vacuna contra el herpes zóster. Aseguran que aún se necesitan más estudios para determinar el papel, la seguridad y la oportunidad de su aplicación en esos pacientes.
Con una base de datos administrativa, el equipo de la doctora Millie D. Long, de la University of North Carolina, en Chapel Hill, identificó a más de 108 mil pacientes menores de 64 años con EII, incluidos 50 mil 932 con enfermedad de Crohn, 56 mil 403 con colitis ulcerosa y mil 269 con EII de tipo desconocido. A cada uno lo cotejaron con cuatro personas sin EII.
El equipo detectó 2 mil 677 casos de herpes zóster en el grupo con EII y 4 mil 340 en el grupo de control, según publica el equipo en Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
En los pacientes con EII, la incidencia anual de herpes zóster era de 734 por cada 100 mil años/persona, comparado con 437 en el grupo sin EII. La incidencia era "algo más alta" en los pacientes con enfermedad de Crohn que en aquellos con colitis ulcerosa.
El riesgo de herpes zóster se mantuvo alto en el grupo con EII tras considerar las comorbilidades y otros factores importantes.
Además, para determinar cómo los fármacos inmunosupresores influían en el nivel de riesgo, el equipo realizó un análisis de variables múltiples de casos y controles con 2 mil 659 pacientes con EII y herpes zóster y una cohorte de 10 mil 470 pacientes con EII sin herpes zóster.
El resultado fue que el uso de las tiopurinas, los corticoesteroides y los agentes antiTNF estaban independientemente asociados con el herpes zóster en la población con EII, no así el uso del ácido 5-aminosalicílico o 5-ASA.
El riesgo de herpes zóster aumentó aún más con una terapia combinada de anti-TNF y tiopurinas.
El equipo sostiene que sus resultados respaldan hallazgos previos sobre el riesgo de herpes zóster en las personas con EII.
La vacuna contra el virus del herpes zóster (culebrilla), aprobada por la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Estados Unidos (FDA, por su nombre en inglés), llamada Zostavax (Merck & Co.), que reduce un 50 por ciento su incidencia, está recomendada para la población de 60 años.
Date: Dec 10th @ 8:34pm EST
The hangover, that combination of headache, nausea and fatigue after a night of too much alcohol, it can be even worse if we abused also of snuff. So says a U.S. study to be published in the January issue of "Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs."
"Taking the same number of drinks, people who smoke more than normal are more likely to develop a hangover or suffer more intense", said the researcher Damaris J. Rohsenow, MD, Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies from Brown University in Rhode Island (USA).
The researchers found that college students were more likely to have symptoms of a hangover after a night that had ezclado alcohol and snuff. In reaching this conclusion, an online survey conducted to 113 students reprotaron for eight weeks, consumption of alcohol and snuff and any symptoms of a hangover.
In general, when students drank much-the equivalent of five or six cans of beer in an hour, those who had smoked more that day were more likely to suffer a hangover the next morning and it was more painful.
Although the reason for this phenomenon is not yet clear, Rohsenow cited other research showing that nicotine receptors in the brain are involved in the subjective response to alcohol.
Smoking and drinking together increases the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for making the body feel relaxed. The fact that nicotine and alcohol are connected in the brain may explain why smoking is linked to hangover.
"Taking the same number of drinks, people who smoke more than normal are more likely to develop a hangover or suffer more intense", said the researcher Damaris J. Rohsenow, MD, Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies from Brown University in Rhode Island (USA).
The researchers found that college students were more likely to have symptoms of a hangover after a night that had ezclado alcohol and snuff. In reaching this conclusion, an online survey conducted to 113 students reprotaron for eight weeks, consumption of alcohol and snuff and any symptoms of a hangover.
In general, when students drank much-the equivalent of five or six cans of beer in an hour, those who had smoked more that day were more likely to suffer a hangover the next morning and it was more painful.
Although the reason for this phenomenon is not yet clear, Rohsenow cited other research showing that nicotine receptors in the brain are involved in the subjective response to alcohol.
Smoking and drinking together increases the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for making the body feel relaxed. The fact that nicotine and alcohol are connected in the brain may explain why smoking is linked to hangover.
the feeling!
Date: Dec 4th @ 3:36pm EST
is the feeling of liberated resulted in what I write,
is thinking beyond what I see,
is standing on a chair and look from another point of view,
is the speech and q only those who know
and they understand how to think, understand,
analyze and criticize.
This talk of q are the harmonic movement of a woman
shudders when naked in his concealed weapon.
This what I mean is the loose cannon who walks aimlessly
by whole mountains, climbing trees and finding forbidden fruit.
This is what I speak of the moon near the sun melting the cheese
confused in the palaver of love.
It's just a muse of inspiration, is a teaching set
by a speaker and a receiver, all two deeply and understood differently.
It's so supernatural that we invented to cushion the hard as talking.
I have wondered many times if I do understand key or
where this talk, go! beautiful as it is expressed that young
but do not realize that I'm insulting in the most vile and rude.
Another said, he talks about ugly, which is why, as well! ... and fail to understand
it is thought the best compliment a summer afternoon, do not realize what
q contrary to what they are thinking, and just missed winning look!
I'm talking about the metaphor in its greatest expression
I'm talking about parables formed with great imagination.
Not for me to say they are, and are defined in the dictionary
as useful a way, with that I do not say anything.
METAPHOR trope that is to move the strict sense of the words to a figurative, under an implied comparison, p. for example., pearls of dew. The spring of life. Restrain the passions.
is thinking beyond what I see,
is standing on a chair and look from another point of view,
is the speech and q only those who know
and they understand how to think, understand,
analyze and criticize.
This talk of q are the harmonic movement of a woman
shudders when naked in his concealed weapon.
This what I mean is the loose cannon who walks aimlessly
by whole mountains, climbing trees and finding forbidden fruit.
This is what I speak of the moon near the sun melting the cheese
confused in the palaver of love.
It's just a muse of inspiration, is a teaching set
by a speaker and a receiver, all two deeply and understood differently.
It's so supernatural that we invented to cushion the hard as talking.
I have wondered many times if I do understand key or
where this talk, go! beautiful as it is expressed that young
but do not realize that I'm insulting in the most vile and rude.
Another said, he talks about ugly, which is why, as well! ... and fail to understand
it is thought the best compliment a summer afternoon, do not realize what
q contrary to what they are thinking, and just missed winning look!
I'm talking about the metaphor in its greatest expression
I'm talking about parables formed with great imagination.
Not for me to say they are, and are defined in the dictionary
as useful a way, with that I do not say anything.
METAPHOR trope that is to move the strict sense of the words to a figurative, under an implied comparison, p. for example., pearls of dew. The spring of life. Restrain the passions.
i love u
Date: Nov 27th @ 6:50pm EST
One day he said he was seeing, and not that I believe him, but I remain generally quite incredulous about these issues. What you do not see, does not exist for me. I'm not saying you should have believed just because you felt because in my opinion the friendship and trust are very important, but simply made an effort and gave him the benefit of the doubt. What if it was I who was wrong?. We did not talk about it until one day he reappeared in chat where we were talking and he sent me a private. It was one of those windows that we could only see her and me. Absolutely private.
SHE - Hey, follow the theme?
I - Okay! But do not think you can convince me, you know ... I can not believe these
SHE - I do not mean anything to convince you, but I was born with certain gifts and I have no
intention of hiding the world.
I - I should be fine.
Actually I did not know what to say. Was it right? Anyway ... little could I say to
SHE - Okay, but not always. When I have a vision just exhausted.
I - you is an effort?
SHE - Yes, a lot of effort.
I - Why do you do it?
SHE - not something you choose, you are born with it.
There was a silence in which neither seemed to know what to say. I looked at the channel
where we had met seven months ago. They were talking about the upcoming
summer vacation.
SHE - You still there?
I - Yes, can not you see? .-Joked.
Then he said something that scared me.
SHE - Yes, I can see you.
I gulped and thought, wow, is teasing me and I fall like a fool.
I felt a chill but decided to push it.
I - Oh, really? So tell me ... Who am I?
SHE - Sola
Well, that could have said before the chat and that she had read.
I decided to stick with it as if it were a game.
I - Tell me something that surprised me. Something you see in my room.
SHE - I see you have some of the keys on your computer deleted. Fast typing.
I - Yeah, but that can happen to anyone. The letters of the keyboards are deleted.
SHE - You have deleted the A, S, L and M.
I looked at my keyboard more curious than appalled, but from curiosity to anxiety
There was even a bit. It was so funny I play. My status
incredulous, however, made me go further.
YO - Amiga ... I'm sure almost everyone has the same letters erased. Say
something that really surprised.
SHE - Why do you want to continue with this if you do not believe?
Good question, I thought.
I - Just to know you a little more, or to experience something that has not
experienced before.
At that moment I knew that she was smiling from his side of the monitor. Internet is a curious place. Make yourself at home, in tank top and shorts, barefoot and with the fan set when the other side of the screen until someone speaks neck warm with a pair of socks and put the stove because you are enjoying the summer imminent and they are still spending the winter weather.
My friend had always been friendly, open, friendly and with a good sense of humor. You could say that we agreed on everything but this topic. We did not like football, adored comedies, we loved Oscar Wilde, both had visited Orlando, the two we had killed the father ... Were so many things that we came and we became good friends!.
SHE - How do you take the book? He asked suddenly.
I - What book?
SHE - The one you have on the table ... let me see ... The brute force of John
I looked to my right with wide eyes. Did I say? Had he said that it had begun or was going to read it? Had he said that he used to put the books on my desk because I loved to watch over and over again the covers of the books I was reading? Obviously, the answer should be yes.
I - I just start it.
I wrote it while noticing anything about me-still-surprise.
SHE - I have not read.
I - I'll tell you what I think.
In the general chat topic of conversation revolved around the speedboats. It seemed more interesting than my private conversation and I started thinking what I could ask to discover or surrender to his feet definitely. But she spoke.
SHE - Someone's knocking.
I - Oh, well see, I wait.
SHE - No. It's in your house.
I smiled incredulously. Going to get a laugh (hahahaha) when the doorbell rang. I looked at the bedroom door. My eyes went back to my friend's prescient phrase.
I - right back.
SHE - Ok.
I came to the door and looked through the peephole. A carpet seller.
- Not interested. I said to not have to open.
The boy said something that sounded derogatory and went to another floor.
I went back to chat.
I - How did you know? He was a carpet salesman.
SHE - I told you I can see you.
I considered that my sense was right but denied it again and again. I was not born to believe it all, let alone what was beyond logic. My friend was not only at home, but that was in another country and had different timezones.
SHE - Do you know? Something tells me I should continue watching. Do not panic but ...
I - but???????
It - is that I could not explain. Usually I have prophetic visions, sometimes, like today, I can see you cause. Images appear in front of me and I see you, I see your room, but this is a great effort. I have a pain in my head.
I - Yeah, but ... What about the "but" you were saying?
SHE - just do not want to scare you but I sense something strange.
YO - Now you're scaring me.
But what little strength he had, by God! Now I was really scaring me! I, the
incredulous, that if you do not see, does not believe. I felt agitated. Maybe it was because they were
past ten at night and I was alone at home and the last person who had
seen had been a stranger from a peephole unkind. At least he could still
listen at high volume on a television. It was my neighbor, an old woman who was
rather deaf.
I - I do not know but ... maybe we should change the subject.
I - not that I've convinced but ...
SHE - :) Do not worry, I understand. Do I have your permission to keep watching?
YO - Sure, but the record that I have so clear you can see me. My brains I
prevents believe. :)
I looked back the chat to see if there was any issue that could be involved
but was stopped. There were seven members in the chat and none of them spoke.
All were in private. I looked at the window of my friend's private.
I was going to write something when I saw that she was ahead of me.
SHE - Heaven, but now scared, you're not alone.
I felt a chill in my legs and my arms. Both hair bristled I
hurt. How could qualify for one of "heaven" and then say you were not
alone in the room?.
I - What do you mean? You're making me nervous.
SHE - I can not identify but is behind you
YO - Please for
SHE - No moves almost, do not panic, let me watch him.
I - I'm scared.
Now I was. I looked out the window. Total darkness. I dared not turn around
backwards. What if he saw something he did not want to see? What if there was my friend? Or other
person! That was even worse ... I noticed a lump in his throat. I wanted
be braver or more cowardly and mourn, but was stuck in my own struggle
to believe or disbelieve.
SHE - Do you notice around you cold?
Your question got me when I was almost about to shut down the computer and turn on the
dome light to get me into bed and quickly forget about it.
I - We are more than 30 degrees. - I informed.
SHE - Ok. I just do not get into it.
I - ¿¿THE??? Go???
SHE - Shown as a statue why not let me find him. I do not know if it's good
or has bad intentions. I just know it's there, static.
I - I do not see anyone ... I do not like.
SHE - I told you not scare you, honey. Also, I'm with you.
I - Yes, thousands of miles away.
Then I noticed. A kind of icy touch, as if they had put a hand on
my arm. In the area where I felt the hair on my arms stood on end. Completely
high. The rest of my body did not notice anything.
I - is missing something!
SHE - What??
I - I felt icy cold in my arm.
SHE - Relax.
I - I have been bristling hair, I have a strange feeling.
Beginning to be panic.
SHE - Heaven, quiet, trust me.
I - This is very rare
I - I'm scared
I - I need to calm down, I'm .... fuck!
YO - fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
SHE - Want to write?
YO - fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
SHE - I will give a tachycardia, calm down.
And then I felt a cold breath in my neck, as if I had thrown away the breath.
I - What does the cold were telling me about?
SHE - The cold passed the dead as they approach, usually something
angry or ...
YO - OOOOOO??????????
SHE - violent
YO - Damn help me, what hagooooooooo?????
SHE - Relax, I have not seen him move.
YO - Do something!
SHE - Heaven will you relax?
YO - anyone fuck me! I have a dead pulling his breath on my back,
I'm scared I'm crying acojonada
SHE - Sky .... Would you mind listening? Stop typing and read this
I made an effort. For me, writing is not supposed to look back and read words, whether
yours or mine, feel less alone in my room.
SHE - No one, baby.
I - I say to reassure me.
SHE - no one
YO - are here, sorry, I can feel it notooooooo
SHE - Ok. Listen. Just kidding.
YO - Joke????
SHE - I wanted to show you that there are unbelievers, calm down please. I do not see
nothing, it is true that sometimes I have prophetic visions, as when they called
the door, but I can not force me to see anyone.
I - but I feel something
This last I wrote with tears and more frightened than ever.
His words reassured me. Tears sometimes prevented me read well but
I took them off in seconds rubbing my eyes or clenching párpardos to
leave and stop bothering me fired.
SHE - I'll call you on the phone.
A few seconds later the phone rang the doorbell. Had she made herself a
conference to convince me that there were no blind now that I
had believed?. I went to pick up but something happened that froze my hand in the air.
SHE - Heaven, I can not call without disconnecting it. I have only one line. I can?
call or prefer to follow here?
When I had put the hand on the receiver saw his private. How could I write
and call me at once? I looked at the caller ID before answering. There was
number, was anonymous. It was not her. That was clear after seeing the
Deep breath and hesitated between the private answer or pick up the phone. I decided
for the call.
- Tell me.
- Your friend is aa die while you hear this message.
He had never felt so scared in my life and never had my heart turned upside
so great and my legs still sitting, I had failed so quickly. I did
butter. He started giving me around the room and struggled to regain
Suddenly the line went dead and began the annoying beep "communicating".
I dropped the phone as if I burn in your hands.
Quickly turned the chat, private. I typed so fast that I wrote it all wrong.
I -? There is `s'?
I - respondeeee!!
I - responds by favvor!!
I - I do not read ¿¿
Hysterical, I took my book and dialed his number. I did have two lines and
I could afford to stay online while calling him. Get communication
with foreign and waited ... I waited nervously biting my lip, more hectic
whole, more frightened than ever ... practically danced in my seat.
But no answer.
I hung furious beating such a blow to the headset I thought I would have loaded the
phone. I returned to the private and my friend tried to respond. I was not. To the
end appeared in my private message. In its window.
SHE - Now I see. Do not be afraid. I'll only stay a moment.
A chill ran through me spine. The chat I said that after
write that last sentence, my friend had left the chat. It was not there. Not
had fired one, not me, nor the other members of the chat. There
I stared at the screen that only now moving in the general chat. Even
know what they were talking about. For me all the lines had no meaning, only
could look at your last comment private. "Now I see. Do not be afraid.
I'll only stay a moment. "
Then I understood.
I began to mourn desperate.
My hands ran and cried my eyes suffocated, understanding that my friend had
died, it was I who had had a premonition and foreboding, and
now she was beside me. This strange realization made me turn around and look at my
empty room. I did not want to believe it was not there. He could not, not after
all ....
One touch, so soft that it was barely a sigh, patted my head.
Conveyed so much peace that scare me away from me relaxed. My tears
continued to fall down her cheeks. No longer the dry. Stared into space knowing that
she was facing me.
- What have you done? . I asked the air.
- Pssss.
I breathed deeply to hear that sound. It was like when I was little, I was scared and my
mother put her finger in her mouth and blew her to forget the issue and think about
pretty things.
I tilted my head sad. The peace of his touch never left me but I knew it
would be our first and last meeting without the computer involved. I trembled
- I'll miss you.
At that point in the computer there is a general movement. Minimized the chat, is
opened only a word processor, and a short phrase appeared in a page
I love you.
SHE - Hey, follow the theme?
I - Okay! But do not think you can convince me, you know ... I can not believe these
SHE - I do not mean anything to convince you, but I was born with certain gifts and I have no
intention of hiding the world.
I - I should be fine.
Actually I did not know what to say. Was it right? Anyway ... little could I say to
SHE - Okay, but not always. When I have a vision just exhausted.
I - you is an effort?
SHE - Yes, a lot of effort.
I - Why do you do it?
SHE - not something you choose, you are born with it.
There was a silence in which neither seemed to know what to say. I looked at the channel
where we had met seven months ago. They were talking about the upcoming
summer vacation.
SHE - You still there?
I - Yes, can not you see? .-Joked.
Then he said something that scared me.
SHE - Yes, I can see you.
I gulped and thought, wow, is teasing me and I fall like a fool.
I felt a chill but decided to push it.
I - Oh, really? So tell me ... Who am I?
SHE - Sola
Well, that could have said before the chat and that she had read.
I decided to stick with it as if it were a game.
I - Tell me something that surprised me. Something you see in my room.
SHE - I see you have some of the keys on your computer deleted. Fast typing.
I - Yeah, but that can happen to anyone. The letters of the keyboards are deleted.
SHE - You have deleted the A, S, L and M.
I looked at my keyboard more curious than appalled, but from curiosity to anxiety
There was even a bit. It was so funny I play. My status
incredulous, however, made me go further.
YO - Amiga ... I'm sure almost everyone has the same letters erased. Say
something that really surprised.
SHE - Why do you want to continue with this if you do not believe?
Good question, I thought.
I - Just to know you a little more, or to experience something that has not
experienced before.
At that moment I knew that she was smiling from his side of the monitor. Internet is a curious place. Make yourself at home, in tank top and shorts, barefoot and with the fan set when the other side of the screen until someone speaks neck warm with a pair of socks and put the stove because you are enjoying the summer imminent and they are still spending the winter weather.
My friend had always been friendly, open, friendly and with a good sense of humor. You could say that we agreed on everything but this topic. We did not like football, adored comedies, we loved Oscar Wilde, both had visited Orlando, the two we had killed the father ... Were so many things that we came and we became good friends!.
SHE - How do you take the book? He asked suddenly.
I - What book?
SHE - The one you have on the table ... let me see ... The brute force of John
I looked to my right with wide eyes. Did I say? Had he said that it had begun or was going to read it? Had he said that he used to put the books on my desk because I loved to watch over and over again the covers of the books I was reading? Obviously, the answer should be yes.
I - I just start it.
I wrote it while noticing anything about me-still-surprise.
SHE - I have not read.
I - I'll tell you what I think.
In the general chat topic of conversation revolved around the speedboats. It seemed more interesting than my private conversation and I started thinking what I could ask to discover or surrender to his feet definitely. But she spoke.
SHE - Someone's knocking.
I - Oh, well see, I wait.
SHE - No. It's in your house.
I smiled incredulously. Going to get a laugh (hahahaha) when the doorbell rang. I looked at the bedroom door. My eyes went back to my friend's prescient phrase.
I - right back.
SHE - Ok.
I came to the door and looked through the peephole. A carpet seller.
- Not interested. I said to not have to open.
The boy said something that sounded derogatory and went to another floor.
I went back to chat.
I - How did you know? He was a carpet salesman.
SHE - I told you I can see you.
I considered that my sense was right but denied it again and again. I was not born to believe it all, let alone what was beyond logic. My friend was not only at home, but that was in another country and had different timezones.
SHE - Do you know? Something tells me I should continue watching. Do not panic but ...
I - but???????
It - is that I could not explain. Usually I have prophetic visions, sometimes, like today, I can see you cause. Images appear in front of me and I see you, I see your room, but this is a great effort. I have a pain in my head.
I - Yeah, but ... What about the "but" you were saying?
SHE - just do not want to scare you but I sense something strange.
YO - Now you're scaring me.
But what little strength he had, by God! Now I was really scaring me! I, the
incredulous, that if you do not see, does not believe. I felt agitated. Maybe it was because they were
past ten at night and I was alone at home and the last person who had
seen had been a stranger from a peephole unkind. At least he could still
listen at high volume on a television. It was my neighbor, an old woman who was
rather deaf.
I - I do not know but ... maybe we should change the subject.
I - not that I've convinced but ...
SHE - :) Do not worry, I understand. Do I have your permission to keep watching?
YO - Sure, but the record that I have so clear you can see me. My brains I
prevents believe. :)
I looked back the chat to see if there was any issue that could be involved
but was stopped. There were seven members in the chat and none of them spoke.
All were in private. I looked at the window of my friend's private.
I was going to write something when I saw that she was ahead of me.
SHE - Heaven, but now scared, you're not alone.
I felt a chill in my legs and my arms. Both hair bristled I
hurt. How could qualify for one of "heaven" and then say you were not
alone in the room?.
I - What do you mean? You're making me nervous.
SHE - I can not identify but is behind you
YO - Please for
SHE - No moves almost, do not panic, let me watch him.
I - I'm scared.
Now I was. I looked out the window. Total darkness. I dared not turn around
backwards. What if he saw something he did not want to see? What if there was my friend? Or other
person! That was even worse ... I noticed a lump in his throat. I wanted
be braver or more cowardly and mourn, but was stuck in my own struggle
to believe or disbelieve.
SHE - Do you notice around you cold?
Your question got me when I was almost about to shut down the computer and turn on the
dome light to get me into bed and quickly forget about it.
I - We are more than 30 degrees. - I informed.
SHE - Ok. I just do not get into it.
I - ¿¿THE??? Go???
SHE - Shown as a statue why not let me find him. I do not know if it's good
or has bad intentions. I just know it's there, static.
I - I do not see anyone ... I do not like.
SHE - I told you not scare you, honey. Also, I'm with you.
I - Yes, thousands of miles away.
Then I noticed. A kind of icy touch, as if they had put a hand on
my arm. In the area where I felt the hair on my arms stood on end. Completely
high. The rest of my body did not notice anything.
I - is missing something!
SHE - What??
I - I felt icy cold in my arm.
SHE - Relax.
I - I have been bristling hair, I have a strange feeling.
Beginning to be panic.
SHE - Heaven, quiet, trust me.
I - This is very rare
I - I'm scared
I - I need to calm down, I'm .... fuck!
YO - fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
SHE - Want to write?
YO - fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
SHE - I will give a tachycardia, calm down.
And then I felt a cold breath in my neck, as if I had thrown away the breath.
I - What does the cold were telling me about?
SHE - The cold passed the dead as they approach, usually something
angry or ...
YO - OOOOOO??????????
SHE - violent
YO - Damn help me, what hagooooooooo?????
SHE - Relax, I have not seen him move.
YO - Do something!
SHE - Heaven will you relax?
YO - anyone fuck me! I have a dead pulling his breath on my back,
I'm scared I'm crying acojonada
SHE - Sky .... Would you mind listening? Stop typing and read this
I made an effort. For me, writing is not supposed to look back and read words, whether
yours or mine, feel less alone in my room.
SHE - No one, baby.
I - I say to reassure me.
SHE - no one
YO - are here, sorry, I can feel it notooooooo
SHE - Ok. Listen. Just kidding.
YO - Joke????
SHE - I wanted to show you that there are unbelievers, calm down please. I do not see
nothing, it is true that sometimes I have prophetic visions, as when they called
the door, but I can not force me to see anyone.
I - but I feel something
This last I wrote with tears and more frightened than ever.
His words reassured me. Tears sometimes prevented me read well but
I took them off in seconds rubbing my eyes or clenching párpardos to
leave and stop bothering me fired.
SHE - I'll call you on the phone.
A few seconds later the phone rang the doorbell. Had she made herself a
conference to convince me that there were no blind now that I
had believed?. I went to pick up but something happened that froze my hand in the air.
SHE - Heaven, I can not call without disconnecting it. I have only one line. I can?
call or prefer to follow here?
When I had put the hand on the receiver saw his private. How could I write
and call me at once? I looked at the caller ID before answering. There was
number, was anonymous. It was not her. That was clear after seeing the
Deep breath and hesitated between the private answer or pick up the phone. I decided
for the call.
- Tell me.
- Your friend is aa die while you hear this message.
He had never felt so scared in my life and never had my heart turned upside
so great and my legs still sitting, I had failed so quickly. I did
butter. He started giving me around the room and struggled to regain
Suddenly the line went dead and began the annoying beep "communicating".
I dropped the phone as if I burn in your hands.
Quickly turned the chat, private. I typed so fast that I wrote it all wrong.
I -? There is `s'?
I - respondeeee!!
I - responds by favvor!!
I - I do not read ¿¿
Hysterical, I took my book and dialed his number. I did have two lines and
I could afford to stay online while calling him. Get communication
with foreign and waited ... I waited nervously biting my lip, more hectic
whole, more frightened than ever ... practically danced in my seat.
But no answer.
I hung furious beating such a blow to the headset I thought I would have loaded the
phone. I returned to the private and my friend tried to respond. I was not. To the
end appeared in my private message. In its window.
SHE - Now I see. Do not be afraid. I'll only stay a moment.
A chill ran through me spine. The chat I said that after
write that last sentence, my friend had left the chat. It was not there. Not
had fired one, not me, nor the other members of the chat. There
I stared at the screen that only now moving in the general chat. Even
know what they were talking about. For me all the lines had no meaning, only
could look at your last comment private. "Now I see. Do not be afraid.
I'll only stay a moment. "
Then I understood.
I began to mourn desperate.
My hands ran and cried my eyes suffocated, understanding that my friend had
died, it was I who had had a premonition and foreboding, and
now she was beside me. This strange realization made me turn around and look at my
empty room. I did not want to believe it was not there. He could not, not after
all ....
One touch, so soft that it was barely a sigh, patted my head.
Conveyed so much peace that scare me away from me relaxed. My tears
continued to fall down her cheeks. No longer the dry. Stared into space knowing that
she was facing me.
- What have you done? . I asked the air.
- Pssss.
I breathed deeply to hear that sound. It was like when I was little, I was scared and my
mother put her finger in her mouth and blew her to forget the issue and think about
pretty things.
I tilted my head sad. The peace of his touch never left me but I knew it
would be our first and last meeting without the computer involved. I trembled
- I'll miss you.
At that point in the computer there is a general movement. Minimized the chat, is
opened only a word processor, and a short phrase appeared in a page
I love you.
Date: Nov 20th @ 3:31pm EST
Infants who were exposed to maternal smoking during pregnancy have lower performance on tests of reading comprehension.
\"There is a small difference, but a difference in accuracy and understanding at a critical time when aaare evaluated and are beginning to perceive their capabilities,\" said senior author Dr. Jeffrey Gruen, Yale University.
In a new study, researchers found that childsjren of women who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes per day did not perform well in tests designed to assess the accuracy of reading aloud and comprehension of the text read.
sd exposed to high levels of nicotine in utero (at least one pack of cigarettes per day) yielded a 21 percent lower in those cognitive areas than their classmates who were fsof nonsmoking women. The difference remained even after accounting for other factors such as whether parents read stories to their childrdsven, had low incomes or were married.
In other words, between students with similar backgrounds and education levels, the chifsvcldren of women who smoke are about seven places below in a class of 31 chiljc dren to assess their accuracy and reading comprehension, said coauthor Jan Frijters, Brock University, Ontario, Canada.
The team, which published the findings in The Journal of Pediatrics, gathered information on more than 5000 chiojjsjldren participating in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Childvksjren (ALSPC, by name) that had started in the 90s in the UK. Only used information from chiqwldren with an IQ of 76 or more. An IQ below 70 is a sign of mental disability.
British researchers analyzed responses to questionnaires mother before and after delivery. This reinforces the reliability of the information, explained Sam Oh, University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved in the study. If mothers had known the results of their chasfildren in reading tests, unconsciously would have responded more or less smoking.
\"For me, the study suggests that the effects attributed to intrauterine exposure to cigarette smoke could be attributed to uterine environment and not to differences in environment in which cs grow up,\" Oh said by e-mail.
Large observational studies such as these describe certain patterns, but do not prove that there is a direct causal relationship between smoking and low performance in reading tests.
Despite public health efforts to discourage smoking, the CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services United States estimates that one in six Americans smoke pregnant. \"Those are many childrskdjhhen,\" said the doctor takes? Paus, University of Toronto.
\"There is a small difference, but a difference in accuracy and understanding at a critical time when aaare evaluated and are beginning to perceive their capabilities,\" said senior author Dr. Jeffrey Gruen, Yale University.
In a new study, researchers found that childsjren of women who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes per day did not perform well in tests designed to assess the accuracy of reading aloud and comprehension of the text read.
sd exposed to high levels of nicotine in utero (at least one pack of cigarettes per day) yielded a 21 percent lower in those cognitive areas than their classmates who were fsof nonsmoking women. The difference remained even after accounting for other factors such as whether parents read stories to their childrdsven, had low incomes or were married.
In other words, between students with similar backgrounds and education levels, the chifsvcldren of women who smoke are about seven places below in a class of 31 chiljc dren to assess their accuracy and reading comprehension, said coauthor Jan Frijters, Brock University, Ontario, Canada.
The team, which published the findings in The Journal of Pediatrics, gathered information on more than 5000 chiojjsjldren participating in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Childvksjren (ALSPC, by name) that had started in the 90s in the UK. Only used information from chiqwldren with an IQ of 76 or more. An IQ below 70 is a sign of mental disability.
British researchers analyzed responses to questionnaires mother before and after delivery. This reinforces the reliability of the information, explained Sam Oh, University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved in the study. If mothers had known the results of their chasfildren in reading tests, unconsciously would have responded more or less smoking.
\"For me, the study suggests that the effects attributed to intrauterine exposure to cigarette smoke could be attributed to uterine environment and not to differences in environment in which cs grow up,\" Oh said by e-mail.
Large observational studies such as these describe certain patterns, but do not prove that there is a direct causal relationship between smoking and low performance in reading tests.
Despite public health efforts to discourage smoking, the CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services United States estimates that one in six Americans smoke pregnant. \"Those are many childrskdjhhen,\" said the doctor takes? Paus, University of Toronto.
Can u understand me!
Date: Nov 13th @ 8:32pm EST
To recognize how good listener is respond.
Do I listen without talking, even if you know the end of what I say?
Do I listen to the caller without caring about their appearance?
Soil? Judge before the end of exposing something?
Do I try to understand the subtext of what I hear?
Do I let the other end to speak without interruption?
Do I try to understand what I say and why?
Do I focus on what I manifest ignoring the environment?
Do I look who I speaking to the eyes?
When talking? Stopped what he was doing?
Do I listen with equal attention to people of different sex or age?
Add the affirmative answers. Less than five means that its responsiveness is very poor. Five to seven, should pay more attention. Over seven, is on track.
Keys to listen
"Often a talk becomes tedious, because we get involved in it and only heard part of what we say. If we use our willpower to pay attention to the other person and focus on it, we will discover aspects of yourself interesting and new, "says Campos.
The expert also recommends making a conscious and sustained effort to avoid interruptions since, besides annoying, interrupting the other is inefficient, because it is lost or diverted chat thread.
"You have to change the bad habit of 'cut' the speaker to further our opinion, by the habit of responding when finished speaking. The attentive silences not only allow us to understand the other person, but also reflect on what has been expressed or are going to say next, "concludes Campos.
Do I listen without talking, even if you know the end of what I say?
Do I listen to the caller without caring about their appearance?
Soil? Judge before the end of exposing something?
Do I try to understand the subtext of what I hear?
Do I let the other end to speak without interruption?
Do I try to understand what I say and why?
Do I focus on what I manifest ignoring the environment?
Do I look who I speaking to the eyes?
When talking? Stopped what he was doing?
Do I listen with equal attention to people of different sex or age?
Add the affirmative answers. Less than five means that its responsiveness is very poor. Five to seven, should pay more attention. Over seven, is on track.
Keys to listen
"Often a talk becomes tedious, because we get involved in it and only heard part of what we say. If we use our willpower to pay attention to the other person and focus on it, we will discover aspects of yourself interesting and new, "says Campos.
The expert also recommends making a conscious and sustained effort to avoid interruptions since, besides annoying, interrupting the other is inefficient, because it is lost or diverted chat thread.
"You have to change the bad habit of 'cut' the speaker to further our opinion, by the habit of responding when finished speaking. The attentive silences not only allow us to understand the other person, but also reflect on what has been expressed or are going to say next, "concludes Campos.
Date: Oct 31st @ 5:31pm EDT
Momentáneamente, el aislado cuarto sin ventanas quedó envuelto en la penumbra a causa de una violenta variación en el voltaje. Un clic metálico se escuchó de pronto, y una nube de color verdoso brillo bajo la pálida luz de una lámpara de escritorio. Roger Krankeit sonrío complacido; no tenía fuerzas para más. Su mayor invento, finalmente, estaba hecho. Después de días y noches de trabajo y sufrimiento, la mayor creación de la imaginación humana había tomado forma: Krankeit acababa de inventar la tan soñada máquina del tiempo. Orgulloso, contempló con deleite el pequeño artilugio lleno de cables y minúsculos botones. Era pequeño, en efecto...perfecto para ser utilizado cuando Krankeit lo dispusiera; perfecto para cumplir todas las posibilidades que había imaginado. Podría viajar al pasado y absorber el conocimiento de las épocas y los grandes científicos. Conocería a Bohr, Einstein o al mismo Galileo. Mejor aún, viajaría al futuro y utilizaría sus conocimientos para aplastar a los hombres de ciencia modernos...podía hacer todo lo que quisiera.
Pero la ambición de Krankeit fue más allá de lo que había imaginado hasta entonces.
Sus pensamientos formaron una idea ansiosa y punzante: iría hasta el momento en que el hombre apareció en el mundo. Contemplaría a los primeros humanos y, tal vez, hasta podría convertirse en una figura de adoración al revelarles secretos y enseñanzas. Sí...sería un Dios para ellos.
El artilugio emitió un largo zumbido y dejó escapar una nube de humo amarillento por su punta en forma de espina. Estaba ansioso por ser utilizado...
¡Al diablo el presente! Krankeit escaparía hacia el pasado y formaría su propio futuro, un futuro en que el fuera el hombre más grande. Presionó algunos botones y su máquina quedó lista para el viejo. Antes de ello, Krankeit se dirigió hacia un destartalado escritorio y tomó un viejo y pesado revólver de calibre .45 Colt.
Potencia, justo lo que requería para su expedición. No sabía con que bestias prehistóricas podía enfrentarse...lo mejor era ir bien preparado. Guardó el arma en un bolsillo de su blanca bata de laboratorio y tomó entre sus brazos al pequeño artilugio. Bajó un par de palancas e -inmediatamente- una niebla obscura y espesa cubrió sus ojos.
Una nausea terrible se apoderó de el y sintió que la cabeza se desprendía de su cuello. La niebla, poco a poco, comenzó a disiparse, y Krankeit pudo ver con claridad. No se encontraba ya en su miserable cuarto de trabajo. Ante sus ojos se extendía una llanura gigantesca y solitaria. En el cielo brillaban tres soles anaranjados, y una serie de arbustos completamente desconocidos poblaban el suelo fértil, hirviente de insectos negros y asquerosos. Algunas cuevas, probables refugios de bestias, podían ser observadas a lo lejos, y Krankeit dirigió sus pasos hacia ellas; la fascinación inicial se había convertido en la ansiedad del descubridor. Al acercarse a una gruta y encontrarla vacía, escuchó un ruido sordo que provenía de su espalda. Giró su cuerpo y dejó escapar un grito al observar la cosa que había estado detrás de el. Un ser horrendo, semejante a un mono deforme, lo miraba detenidamente con unos ojos gigantescos y brillantes. El ser caminaba a cuatro patas, siendo estas velludas y enormes, como las de un gorila. El monstruo abrió su horrenda boca, dejando ver una hilera de dientes putrefactos y una lengua negra, mientras emitía un aullido temible, salvaje. Krankeit no esperó más. Con un movimiento rápido echó mano de su revólver y descargó un tiro contra la bestia. La detonación sonó brutalmente, y el eco se encargó de repetirla. El monstruo cayó al suelo, herido fatalmente. Por un momento intentó arrastrarse por el suelo, dejando un camino de sangre verde y hedionda, pero Krankeit apretó el gatillo de nueva cuenta. La bala penetró en uno de los ojos de la bestia, destrozando su cerebro y matándolo finalmente. Todo quedó en profundo silencio después. La pequeña máquina del tiempo gritó a su manera, con un zumbido profundo y metálico. Sobresaltado, Krankeit contempló con horror como el artilugio comenzaba a desmoronarse poco a poco. Como si un terrón de polvo deshecho por el viento se tratara, la máquina desapareció con lentitud, quedando en su lugar el vacío más completo. Por un momento
Krankeit quedó en shock, pero eso duró poco, puesto que no pudo evitar llorar de pánico al ver que él mismo se desintegraba. Manos, piernas, cuerpo se deshacía inevitablemente, hasta que no quedó absolutamente nada. En la llanura silenciosa, sólo permanecieron los insectos, que quedaron destinados a dominar la tierra desde ese momento. Miles de años de civilización humana se desintegraron con
Roger Krankeit. Con su pesado revólver .45, había matado al primer antepasado del hombre.
Pero la ambición de Krankeit fue más allá de lo que había imaginado hasta entonces.
Sus pensamientos formaron una idea ansiosa y punzante: iría hasta el momento en que el hombre apareció en el mundo. Contemplaría a los primeros humanos y, tal vez, hasta podría convertirse en una figura de adoración al revelarles secretos y enseñanzas. Sí...sería un Dios para ellos.
El artilugio emitió un largo zumbido y dejó escapar una nube de humo amarillento por su punta en forma de espina. Estaba ansioso por ser utilizado...
¡Al diablo el presente! Krankeit escaparía hacia el pasado y formaría su propio futuro, un futuro en que el fuera el hombre más grande. Presionó algunos botones y su máquina quedó lista para el viejo. Antes de ello, Krankeit se dirigió hacia un destartalado escritorio y tomó un viejo y pesado revólver de calibre .45 Colt.
Potencia, justo lo que requería para su expedición. No sabía con que bestias prehistóricas podía enfrentarse...lo mejor era ir bien preparado. Guardó el arma en un bolsillo de su blanca bata de laboratorio y tomó entre sus brazos al pequeño artilugio. Bajó un par de palancas e -inmediatamente- una niebla obscura y espesa cubrió sus ojos.
Una nausea terrible se apoderó de el y sintió que la cabeza se desprendía de su cuello. La niebla, poco a poco, comenzó a disiparse, y Krankeit pudo ver con claridad. No se encontraba ya en su miserable cuarto de trabajo. Ante sus ojos se extendía una llanura gigantesca y solitaria. En el cielo brillaban tres soles anaranjados, y una serie de arbustos completamente desconocidos poblaban el suelo fértil, hirviente de insectos negros y asquerosos. Algunas cuevas, probables refugios de bestias, podían ser observadas a lo lejos, y Krankeit dirigió sus pasos hacia ellas; la fascinación inicial se había convertido en la ansiedad del descubridor. Al acercarse a una gruta y encontrarla vacía, escuchó un ruido sordo que provenía de su espalda. Giró su cuerpo y dejó escapar un grito al observar la cosa que había estado detrás de el. Un ser horrendo, semejante a un mono deforme, lo miraba detenidamente con unos ojos gigantescos y brillantes. El ser caminaba a cuatro patas, siendo estas velludas y enormes, como las de un gorila. El monstruo abrió su horrenda boca, dejando ver una hilera de dientes putrefactos y una lengua negra, mientras emitía un aullido temible, salvaje. Krankeit no esperó más. Con un movimiento rápido echó mano de su revólver y descargó un tiro contra la bestia. La detonación sonó brutalmente, y el eco se encargó de repetirla. El monstruo cayó al suelo, herido fatalmente. Por un momento intentó arrastrarse por el suelo, dejando un camino de sangre verde y hedionda, pero Krankeit apretó el gatillo de nueva cuenta. La bala penetró en uno de los ojos de la bestia, destrozando su cerebro y matándolo finalmente. Todo quedó en profundo silencio después. La pequeña máquina del tiempo gritó a su manera, con un zumbido profundo y metálico. Sobresaltado, Krankeit contempló con horror como el artilugio comenzaba a desmoronarse poco a poco. Como si un terrón de polvo deshecho por el viento se tratara, la máquina desapareció con lentitud, quedando en su lugar el vacío más completo. Por un momento
Krankeit quedó en shock, pero eso duró poco, puesto que no pudo evitar llorar de pánico al ver que él mismo se desintegraba. Manos, piernas, cuerpo se deshacía inevitablemente, hasta que no quedó absolutamente nada. En la llanura silenciosa, sólo permanecieron los insectos, que quedaron destinados a dominar la tierra desde ese momento. Miles de años de civilización humana se desintegraron con
Roger Krankeit. Con su pesado revólver .45, había matado al primer antepasado del hombre.
Public Sex
Date: Oct 25th @ 7:53pm EDT
It is a great fetish that i have developed with the time, i will tell u the story about how i start to enjoy the public sex and then i will tell u what i love of sex in public.
The other day, i was in a lake near my house, it was like 3 or 4 pm, i had already gone out of my job here in f4f, the think is that day i didnt do enought to feed my sexual appetit but i did do the thing that i love. so i was at the park when i remembered one of my friends here at the page, i started to get excited and it reminded me that i had my hands to do that!, i went behind a tree and i started to play with my treasure, so fucking good!! ii squirted and i saw a man spying me, i take all my things and i went to my house, i didnt tresist that amazing worlds of my guys that made me get horny at the park....since there when i am in some public place i start to imagine my guys, jerking off , tellin me the thing that i love!...when i am doing something in a public place, i like to get wet, put my fingers inside, but i have to do that in silence, but doesnt matter if someone is looking me!!
thanks guys for read this! a great kiss
The other day, i was in a lake near my house, it was like 3 or 4 pm, i had already gone out of my job here in f4f, the think is that day i didnt do enought to feed my sexual appetit but i did do the thing that i love. so i was at the park when i remembered one of my friends here at the page, i started to get excited and it reminded me that i had my hands to do that!, i went behind a tree and i started to play with my treasure, so fucking good!! ii squirted and i saw a man spying me, i take all my things and i went to my house, i didnt tresist that amazing worlds of my guys that made me get horny at the park....since there when i am in some public place i start to imagine my guys, jerking off , tellin me the thing that i love!...when i am doing something in a public place, i like to get wet, put my fingers inside, but i have to do that in silence, but doesnt matter if someone is looking me!!
thanks guys for read this! a great kiss
simple girl who do whatever for fun